Press Releases
COLLEYVILLE, TEXAS - July 1, 2022 - Linda J. Robertson, executive director of the Association of Dealership Compliance Officers (ADCO), announced that ADCO's application for membership to the National Association of Dealer Counsel (NADC) has been approved. ADCO joins the NADC as an associate member.
The NADC, a professional organization with over 600 attorney members, was formed by and for lawyers who work in the unique dealer environment. It provides a forum for members to exchange information on how to best represent dealer interests with respect to manufacturer franchise issues, regulatory compliance, insurance laws, tax laws, buy/sell agreements, employment laws, and many other issues facing dealers and their counsel.
Membership in the NADC is also open to companies and organizations that support the NADC and are interested in furthering its goals. The NADC Board of Directors reviews all member applications for approval.
"We're honored ADCO was accepted into the NADC membership. It's a natural fit, not only because of shared goals, but also because we rely heavily on dealer counsel input in our compliance webinars and Dealership Compliance Officer Professional certification training, said Robertson. "Our curriculum has benefited from the legal expertise of several attorneys who are also members of the NADC.
For more information about the NADC, visit
Contact: Linda Robertson 682-325-4381
Membership does have advantages and now it's even more affordable.
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